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  • Writer's pictureStéphane CORDA

The real estate news of the fall

News about real estate market in France

It’s time to take stock of developments and trends in the real estate market.

Here we present our analysis of the markets in which we operate, namely the Parisian real estate market, Paris and the First Krone, as well as that of Morbihan.

The Paris corporate real estate market shows overall good resilience.

For investors, the continued pursuit of local logistics, known as last-mile logistics, in connection with the rise in e-commerce, is fuelling a steady rise in rents, driven by this sector of activity. We thus note a price shift, with a 12% drop in the second SOUTH crown of Paris to the benefit of the first crown and intramural Paris.

The geographic areas most affected by the Covid crisis with a 5 to 7% decline in rental values are Defense and its northern periphery, as well as the South of Paris in the first crown. So there is this new opportunity for some activities.

Overall, first-hand rents remained stable, while second-hand rents saw a slight decline of 2% on average.

Other sectors, such as the 12th and 13th arrondissement, see an increase of nearly 17%! A market that is therefore quite contrasted locally.

The office market in Paris, compared to the year 2020, recovered nearly 28% for areas below 1000 m², 10% for those of medium size and 3% for large ensembles.

You're looking for an appartment in Paris, or offices ?

Tell us about your project.

On the Paris real estate market for individuals, the increase in prices is 5.3% on average. For 16 out of 20 boroughs, the price exceeds €10,000 per square metre. The average price is €11,194, with more than €14,000 for the 6th and 7th arrondissements and less than €10,000 in the 12th, 13th and 19th arrondissements.

The market is tight, with a trading margin limited to 3.4% in the Paris metropolitan area.

For buyers, credit rates are always very low, with 1.07% to 0.75% over 20 years respectively for a good record and an excellent record. Over 25 years, it is necessary to count 1.28% to 0.98%.

You want to invest in a Parisian apartment?

Morbihan’s real estate market for individuals remains dynamic.

It enjoys a well-known attraction for the coastline, supported by more widespread access to telework. Only condition: be less than half an hour from a TGV station.

For two consecutive years, the city of Vannes recorded a price increase of more than 7%. On old houses, the increase recorded is 16.1% over one year and 61% over five years! This continued rise on older homes is mainly due to the scarcity of goods and a craze for buying due to low credit rates.

If the exodus from the island of France remains limited to 7.5% of purchasers on the department, the proportion is twice as high on the Gulf of Morbihan because of their purchasing power.

You're looking for a property in Morbihan (Department 56 in france)?

Hire a real estate hunter to find it, as opportunities are scarce.


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